Appling Healthcare kicks off new Electronic Health Record platform


Appling Healthcare recently kicked off the first phase of transitioning to a new cutting-edge and user-friendly platform for the Electronic Health Record (EHR).

MEDITECH Expanse is a unified EHR for hospitals and physician clinics which will enable patient information to flow seamlessly throughout Appling Healthcare. The technology’s easy-to-use patient portal and apps will give patients 24/7 self-service access to their own health information — including new test results, discharge instructions, current medications, and visit summaries. In short, one integrated medical record will result in a better patient experience.

Representatives from MEDITECH were on hand for this first phase of the transition, which focused on initial configurations and processes. Starting in July, the MEDITECH team will train the “superusers” – staff members who have the most patient care and technical experience. Over the next few months, the superusers will train other employees to navigate and understand the new EHR platform effectively.

“This is a long-term investment in our hospital’s infrastructure as well as in the health and wellness of our community,” said Andrea Graham, Appling Healthcare CEO. “I am incredibly proud of our team’s commitment to our end goal of an outstanding health record system to ensure the highest quality patient experience.”

Appling Healthcare is making this upgrade from a previous MEDITECH EHR platform. The new MEDITECH Expanse is cloud-based and delivers a more user-friendly and intuitive experience to both patients and providers. In particular, patients will notice a significant improvement in using the Patient Portal.

The upgrade to MEDITECH Expanse was made possible with funding from the Georgia HEART program.

Throughout the next several months, superusers and staff will be working diligently to test the system and ensure it works as it should in various scenarios throughout the system. Appling Healthcare will hold a MEDITECH Expanse mock live event in the fall, with the live launch date set for January 1st of next year.